Prosthodontic replacements

To the insofar prosthodontic replacements such as crowns and bridges are concerned, we give back the natural look and the harmony of natural teeth in both a functional and aesthetic sense.

We have an ample selection of materials so we are able to achieve a more pleasing and natural look in order to attain a perfect result.

Ceramic crowns

The all ceramic crowns are needed at the front as they make possible an optimum appearance simulating the natural look of the tooth, its transparency and its translucency.

Zircon ceramic crown

Zircon ceramic crown, beside its excellent aesthetics, enjoys an excellent rigidity and therefore provides the largest indications.

Metal ceramic crowns

Metal ceramic crowns today are often used because they offer the best balance between quality and price offering an excellent and a good aesthetic result.


Veneers are ceramic (porcelain) facets which require a minimum brushing of teeth; the result is a top aesthetic effect and a natural look, correcting all defects on the tooth, its discoloration and even small dental anomalies like diastema.

Mobile prosthetics

Mobile prosthetics refers to partial dentures which substitutes partial edentulism and total prosthesis that restores the complete edentulism. 



Mon - Fri: 08:00 - 19:00
Sat: 08:00 - 14:00 & by agreement
Sun: Closed